Thursday, April 29, 2010

China Glaze High Hopes

Here's to trying to make myself feel better! This is a nice happy color, right? It tells me I should have high hopes about life. It's bright and pretty. Wait, why isn't it working?! =) Just kidding.

This is a really bright color. I didn't expect it to be that bright in real life, even though I've seen it that way in photos. The application sucks like a lot of the Up & Away polishes. Three annoying stringy but thick coats. Some bald spots are left after two so I think it really needs three. I should've thinned it before instead of after. 5 drops of Seche Restore did the trick.

Also, I've seen Zoya say their polishes are B3F and also camphor free. I never knew camphor was in polish because I never smelled it in there, but this baby smelled like Campho-Phenique so strongly. You know, the stuff used to numb cold sores and canker sores. I think Carmex has it in it too, which doesn't make sense if it's supposed to moisturize your lips. Camphor dries things out. That must be a way for them to keep your lips chapped so you keep buying it. But I digress.


  1. Really pretty.
    Love it,

  2. LOL. Carmex and Blistex have both been accused of exactly that tactic for years. You got it in one.


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