Monday, January 18, 2010

To continue with the posts about nothing...

I think I'd like to disturb some of you all today. I think after seeing this the majority of you will think I'm a wacked out psycho.

Okay it's not that bad, at least to me, but I'm sure a lot of you will still think I'm a wacked out psycho. On with the show...

I've always been interested in Serial Killers, murders, and all that forensics shit. So after I read the book The Night Stalker and saw in there that you could write to Richard Ramirez, well, I got excited.

Apart from what he did to all those people, he seems to be a pretty cool guy. I received 6 letters from him then he spontaneously combusted and that was it.

Note: This is really picture heavy so for all who...yeah you get it.

I'll start with showing the envelopes they came in.

Here's a close up of his signature.

And some pictures he drew or traced for me, an outline of his hand, and a HS picture.

Pretty thrilling stuff, huh? These will be cool things to have when I'm older and he's dead. To have to show my kids and other people. Haha.

I didn't get into the letters and all that crap cause I know none of you care about this.

I realize I should have scanned these in, but I'm far too lazy for that.

Just thought I'd share these with you. Good day!

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