Friday, July 16, 2010

Claire's Fabulous/Funky

I get such a kick out of these Mood Polishes. I want the new ones! The pinks probably my least favorite though, just cause the funky french effect isn't as obvious as it is on the others.

Now you're probably wondering why I have a smiley face, or in this case a sad face, on my middle finger. (I'm a paint expert.) It's that that's the nail that tore and I had to glue back. Well, it decided to be an a*shole, so I just tore it off all the way. It's like nonexistent major nubbin nail and I don't want you all to see!

*Something to keep in mind: The warm color is a really bright neon pink, so imagine this pink but super bright.

You can see the funky french look better in this photo.
So, do the faces bother you? If so, I guess I'll try to do two or maybe three finger swatches. Or maybe wait til it grows out. I'd use my right hand, but the middle finger also broke a while ago on that hand. I guess my middle fingers have been used a lot...


  1. Oh, poor middle fingers! I don't mind Mr. Frowny, although he does make me wince a little because that's got to be a deep break for his little head to cover it up!

  2. great color, cool blog

    come follow the first ever fashion blog from a Guys POV, let He know what you think

  3. thats a really cute nail polish. perfect for summer


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